Black History is 24/7 PERMANENTLY!

This program was previously recorded July 26, 2023.  A candid, deep and truthful conversation about homosexuality and its position in

This show was previously recorded June 17, 2023. Scholar, Political Analysist, Dennis Speed answers the above question. He presents unknown,

This show was previously recorded on April 27, 2021. Tangela Hamilton is George Floyd’s cousin.  She talks about their family,

This show was previously recorded on July 19, 2019. It’s a honor to witness the success of men being better

Anthony Dolci, Executive Director & founder of ‘Stop False Police Reporting’ is a law biding citizen and refuses to be

Brother Adiyb Muhammad invites all to get into the future with classes in AI.  AI is not going anywhere.  Black

This show was recorded previously July 22, 2023.  Pastor Joyce Dugger from First Congregational Church of Rockaway Beach, New York

This show was previously recorded November 22, 2022.  A Black Economic program raising Billions for Black people, from Black people

Dr. Joe Dudley, Sr. was told he was mentally retarded.  His mother told him to prove them wrong and he

This program was previously recorded July 11, 2023. Poet, Danny Queen has produced a unique astrological poetic combination of Love